Longford represented at New York St Patrick’s Day celebrations
Visit also included tourism, trade and diaspora meetings
Press Release: 26 March 2024
Longford County Council was represented at the St Patrick’s Day celebrations in New York by Cathaoirleach Colm Murray and Director of Services Barbara Heslin.
The visit also included a series of meetings on tourism, trade and enterprise as well as representing Longford at some key celebrations of the county diaspora in the United States.
Cathaoirleach Colm Murray said, “The trip is very important in both renewing and establishing new additional links with our diaspora, and to keep them informed about some of the current developments, challenges and opportunities here in Longford.”
Key events attended included the 130th Annual Dinner of the County Longford Association of Greater New York where founder of the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust (KBRT) Colin Bell was honoured and a cheque for $140,000 was presented to the fund. The delegation also attended the official flag-raising ceremony to kick off the St Patrick’s Day celebrations in New York at its traditional site of Bowling Green Park.
The visit also afforded an opportunity to link in with IDA Ireland and Tourism Ireland as they launched major campaigns around the St Patrick’s Day festivities. The County Longford Tourism Strategy was presented to Tourism Ireland officials with Longford’s cutting-edge walking and cycling trail network piquing great interest.
IDA Ireland representatives were presented with the brochure on investing in Longford called “Longford, Perfectly Located” with emphasis placed on the potential of the Just Transition Fund as well as the Longford Works network of remote working hubs and key links with the third-level sector.
Cathaoirleach Cllr Colm Murray explained, “Longford is open for business and Longford County Council is available to assist and work with IDA Ireland to attract business to the county and region. The local authority will also continue to support existing foreign direct investment companies in the county in their expansionary plans.”
Following the trip, Longford County Council Chief Executive Paddy Mahon said, “Longford County Council is delighted to recognise the significant contribution of the County Longford Association of Greater New York in providing vital support to those who need it so far away from home. It’s also a great opportunity to promote County Longford as a wonderful place to visit with great tourism amenities, trails, and historical and literary attractions.”
The trip also allowed some factfinding, with visits tied into some regeneration sites in New York including the transformation of the Hudson River Park into parks, recreational, educational and sporting facilities, as well as ‘High Line’, the reimagined railway line that has been rejuvenated with art installations.
Cathaoirleach Colm Murray and Director of Services Barbara Heslin were invited to attend mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday, 16 March in celebration of St Patrick’s Day. Mass was celebrated by His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. This was followed by the parade down Fifth Avenue. The Longford Association members and a large contingent of Longford people proudly represented their county in the parade.
The first New York parade was held on 17 March 1762, fourteen years before the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence.
Summing up the experience in New York, Cathaoirleach Cllr Colm Murray stressed the importance of linking with the Longford Diaspora and maintaining contacts with organisations which can support the economic and community development of the county. “I congratulate everyone involved in the successful events and look forward to building on the relationships built up during this visit.” he finished.
Further information
Longford: Perfectly Located
The Longford delegation also took the opportunity to meet with IDA Ireland, presenting representatives with a copy of the new Longford investment brochure entitled ‘Longford, Perfectly Located’.
The IDA team was very interested in hearing about how Longford County Council supports both indigenous and foreign direct investment (FDI) companies in their development and expansion. They were also keen to hear about developments in the tourism industry, in placemaking in Longford and how the art and creative sectors are being supported.
The meeting also heard how companies considering overseas investment have changed their approach, outlining the importance of having up-to-date and easily accessible county profiles, to facilitate desktop research.
The transition to remote and blended working was also discussed with the IDA Ireland representatives very interested in Longford Works and the development of the network of remote working hubs in the county. Opportunities to link with the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) and the development of outreach courses were also highlighted.
The challenges facing the county following the decisions taken by Bord na Móna and ESB, and the opportunities presented through the Just Transition Fund and the development of alternative energy solutions were also considered.
Click here to view the 'Longford, Perfectly Located' brochure.